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 Featured in 

 saatchi art print catalog fall 2022 

thank you saatchi art team
Link to the SAATCHI ART Catalog Here

> Lausanne art fair

expo Beaulieu, lausanne, Switzerland
september 29 - October 2, 2022
with linea art gallery - morges (Ch)

> Lausanne art fair

expo Beaulieu, lausanne, Switzerland
september 30 - October 3, 2021
with co galerie by olivier messas

> Swiss art expo

SBB Event Hall Zurich (ZH HB), Switzerland
August 25-29, 2021
Meet me sunday august 29th


Miss Moneypenny Magazin- Kunstausgabe

thank you to Tamara Krieger Artist and Miss Moneypenny Magazine for featuring my work in your special art edition! 


> linea art gallery

Passage de la Couronne 4, 1110 MorgeS, Switzerland

> La Maison D'IGOR

Rue St Domingue 2, 1110 Morges, Switzerland


My artwork "Good Fortune Favors the Bold VI" got featured in the

"New This Week 12-14-2020 Collection"

by Chief Curator Rebecca Wilson on Saatchi Art's homepage.




My artwork "Breakfast In Finland V" got featured in the

"New This Week 7-20-2020 Collection"

by Chief Curator Rebecca Wilson on Saatchi Art's homepage.

Breakfast in Finland 5 Michele Lysek 201


I like to think of myself as a mill. 

the  mill takes its energy from the wind or water. 

crashes the grain. 

delivers the flour. 

creates something new, releasing the essence of something already existing.

my work reflects the organic energy bounding and surrounding us.

I’m just passing it on.

Michele Lysek, contemporary artist, Switzerland

(just wrote this here to please Google)

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